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New Classes, Shop News, and YouTube Link!

Hello Beautiful Golden Anchor Quilting Community!


YouTube Live Tuesday: Click HERE to join us live or watch later

To check out our classes on the website with pictures and prices click HERE

Shop Update

We hope you are enjoying all this beautiful weather here in New England! Darren is starting to worry about how he will find time to rake the leaves at our house before the snow comes with all of the incredible quilts he has checked in to get done by the holidays! We are pretty close to our cut-off to be able to guarantee your quilt will be done by December 20, in time to bind and gift! If you have a quilt you’d like to be able to gift this holiday season, get it into the shop ASAP! We will still be accepting quilts that can wait until after the holiday season, but won’t be able to guarantee it will be done by December 20. 

We are finishing up the All New England Shop Hop with a bang! The last week (or so) of the hop we are having another one of our End-of-Bolt sales! We would love to make room for new fabrics coming in, and we love giving our community deals to make that happen! The sale will run from Friday, October 25 - Thursday, October 31! 

Here is how it will work:

When you clear a bolt with:

1-3 yards get 25% off

4-6 yards get 30% off

7-9 yards get 35% off

10+ yards get 40% off


Clear 2 or more bolts and get an extra 5% off all bolts cleared! (excludes flat fold and clearance fabrics)


The All New England Shop Hop wraps up Thursday, October 31! We anticipate having welcomed almost 600 shop hoppers! It has been a blast, and we have met so many new quilty friends! We still have magazines, and even if you didn’t hop, having the magazine is a great resource as you travel around New England the rest of the year. It has information about 91 quilt shops around New England and patterns galore!


Starting November 1, we will have New Shop Hours:

Monday - Closed

Tuesday - Friday 10:00am-5:00pm 

(you can always call ahead if you need us to stay a little bit later one day!)

Saturday - Sunday 11:00am-4:00pm


We are continuing our search for guest instructors! If you have a project you love to make, and have an inclination to share the fun with others, reach out and let us know what you would like to teach! We enjoy other kinds of crafts in the classroom too! Are you a needle felter who would like to teach others? What about wool applique? We would love to chat about how we can incorporate your talents into our community!


Before we share what is going on this week, we want to help you look a little further out in your calendars and see what you will enjoy!

Come make a Tippy Tote with us! Friday, November 8, or Saturday, November 9! This is part of our Sassy Sunflower Half-Pack-Quilt program. We just love how quickly and easily these work up! Great teacher gift! Great gift for anyone really! (Even yourself ???? )

We have heard you ask for more embroidery classes! Come have fun making up to 4 towels in our Pumpkin Machine Applique Towel classes! This class is offered twice in November, Tuesday 11/5 @ 2:00pm or Friday 11/15 @ 2:00pm. You bring the towels and fabric you think will make a cute pumpkin, we supply the rest! This is a great introduction to machine applique! If you’d like to learn on your own machine, call to let us know what brand you have to make sure it will work with this design and pattern! Otherwise, we have Luminaires in the classroom for your enjoyment!

We have another round of All Inclusive Learn to Quilt series! This series will run on Wednesdays from 1:30pm-4:30pm starting on October 30 and ending December 18 in time for the holidays! This six week series takes students from how to use and troubleshoot sewing machines, color theory and fabric selection, rotary cutting, piecing, trimming a quilt, and all the way to binding! The “all inclusive” part of this series title is because the series includes everything students need to complete their first quilt. From all of the fabrics for the top, backing, and binding, use of our machines and classroom supplies, long arm quilting service, and a completed quilt by the end of the series! We include OVER $200 in materials and OVER $100 in services, and 6 weeks of instruction for just $249! There is no need to buy anything else to complete a quilt in this series! 

T-shirt and memory fabric quilting series will run Saturdays November 2, 16, and 30th! We will take you from t-shirt/memory fabric to a complete quilt top in this three day class series! We will learn how to prep memory fabrics, how to keep them safe until we are ready to incorporate them into a quilt top, and then assemble our memory quilt tops!

Scrappy Flying Geese “Doll” Quilt class series! Do you want to start or improve your flying geese skills? Do you have someone in your life who loves an 18” doll who needs a quilt? Would you enjoy hanging a lovely intricately pieced mini quilt on your wall or display it on a table? This class series is for you! This pattern can be made with 2 ½” strips, and some background fabric for a coordinated look, or with scraps! The class series is Sundays November 3, 10, and 17th! 

Our monthly pillow case classes continue to help folks learn the love of sewing, with a fun and easy beginner project! They are also a fun time for experienced sewists who just want some social sewing time! In November we have two options: Thursday, November 7 at 5:30pm or Sunday November 24th at 10:30am! These classes are a great “bring a buddy” option if you have someone in your life who you have been wanting to introduce to sewing! We have had students as young as 7, and even some with English as a second language! We have brought folks from never using a sewing machine before to a beautiful pillow case in three hours! It’s SEW much fun! We have a pattern that works with regular yardage, double border prints, or panels! Class is just $15, and materials are typically less than $20! 

The Twelve months of gifts class for November is on Thursday November 14 at 10:30 and 4:30! These classes each have a stand alone project that is completed before you leave the shop! These projects are designed to be beginner friendly, easy to make, and something you can make more of as gifts throughout the year, or in preparation for the big holiday season! This month we are going to play with some machine embroidery In-The-Hoop projects! We think we can get 3 of them done in the class! Class is $25, and includes the stabilizers for machine embroidery, and use of our machines. We will have more information about fabric requirements once we finalize our three items, but typically materials are less than $20!

Our First Annual Holiday Ornament swap is December 7th for the swap and some festive refreshments! We currently have 8 folks registered, and would love to include more! Registration will close on November 16 so we can give everyone a final head count in time to make ornaments! In case you don’t know what this is, each participant makes several of one kind of holiday ornament, and brings them to the party. Then each participant gets an ornament from each other participant. If there are 24 people participating, you come in with 24 of your ornament, and leave with 24 different ornaments made by other folks at the party! We will cap the event at 24 participants, so that it doesn’t get too overwhelming! We had a request this week to make virtual participation an option, and we are happy to offer this! If you can’t make it in person to the swap, just register, ship your ornaments to us before December 3, and after the swap we will ship you your newly crafted ornaments from other participants! We will figure out a way to have a zoom link to join in the fun too! (The only thing we can’t zoom are the cookies and refreshments lol)


Now for this week at the shop!


October 29 is National Cat Day! We will have a fun Facebook post so we can all share pictures of our favorite felines, and we will make Kitty Kick Sticks on our YouTube live to celebrate! Share a picture of your favorite feline when you stop in to see us, and pick a goody from the golden basket!

End of bolt sale continues!

Join us live for our weekly YouTube broadcast at 6:00pm! This week we will share shop news, upcoming classes, a quilt of the week, draw our weekly $10 gift card winner for folks who paid with cash or check, teach you how to make a kitty kick stick, and draw a winner for the sample we sew on this week’s broadcast. Click HERE to join us live, or watch later if you happen to miss the live!


October 30 is National Candy Corn Day! We have a couple of kits left to make a Candy Corn Bunting at the shop! They work up quickly, and could be ready for Halloween! We have them marked 40% off too!

End of bolt sale continues!

Start of All Inclusive Learn to Quilt series! 


October 31 is Halloween! Izzy and Louisa will be dressed up and enjoying the festivities! Based on Izzy and Louisa’s costumes, if you can guess what Darren is, you can pick a goody from the golden basket, and enjoy 10% off your purchase!

Last Day for the end of bolt sale! Last Day of the All New England Shop Hop!

Thursday is also Open Sew Day! We have up to 8 spots for sewing in the classroom on open sew days! These days are designed for us to work on projects of our own choosing, in a social setting, with use of classroom tools and thread! We have enjoyed watching the friendships that have developed in open sew days! Sometimes we have potluck lunches, or order out together! It’s just $10 to come when you bring your own machine, and $15 to rent one of our machines for sewing or $25 to rent a machine for embroidery. 


November 1 is National Author’s Day! When you come to the shop, share a pattern author you enjoy, or a pattern you’d like to see us carry, and get a goody out of the golden basket!

New Shop Hours Start:

Monday - Closed

Tuesday - Friday 10:00am-5:00pm (you can always call ahead if you need us to stay a little bit later one day!)

Saturday - Sunday 11:00am-4:00pm


November 2 is National Look for Circles Day!  “Celebrating Look for Circles Day is a reminder of how much we overlook in our busy lives. Circles are fundamental in nature, art, and architecture. They symbolize unity, wholeness, and infinity. Recognizing these shapes can foster a sense of mindfulness and connection to our environment. It’s a chance to pause and appreciate the beauty and symmetry that circles bring into our lives.” (from We will celebrate with 10% off fabric with circles on it! (but you have to look for them lol)


November 3 is when Daylight Savings time ends! Remember to set your clocks back and hour!

First day of the Scrappy flying geese doll quilt series!


We continue to be enchanted with this amazing community and all the beauty that is created in and around us! 


Thank you for your ongoing support! We look forward to your next visit, and hope you can join us LIVE on Tuesday at 6:00pm!

In Stitches, 

Louisa, Darren, and the Crew at Golden Anchor Quilting

Golden Anchor Quilting

367 Washington Street Suite 6

Claremont, NH 03743


Email Louisa @

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